April Wade, ASID, President

What I’ve done this past year as President: 

  • planned and traveled to schools for product fairs and Pizza with Professionals to interact with students
  • assisted IIDA in hosting Student Career Day 
  • attended meetings with other ASID chapter presidents to discuss and give feedback about business, events, and the new membership structure
  • attended board meetings to handle chapter business and implement items from the strategic plan
  • planned and organized Impact 2024 with the planning committee
Beverly Kissinger, ASID Allied Retired

Financial Director:

  • I serve on the planning committee for the State Conference and we have been ZOOM meeting monthly.
  • I also keep an eye on expenses, work with our accountant to pay IRS the quarterly payroll taxes, pay the Administrator’s salary and any bills that come my way.
  • I watch out for and question expenses as needed.
  • Last year I chaired the Student Competition Committee to revise it’s provisions after discussion at the State Conference. 
  • I also helped revise the sponsorship documents.