Sustainability Within Our Vendor Community: Wood-Mode Fine Custom Cabinetry, Kreamer, PA

By: Shirley E. Hammond, FASID, NCIDQ, RID

Finding vendors having sustainability as a mission is important to our interior design community and strengthens our responsibilities and mission to clients. Here is a vendor that exemplifies quality and sustainability.

Wood-Mode, LLC, is our country’s largest manufacturer of custom cabinetry for kitchens, baths and other rooms of the home. As a company, the culture is focused on collaboration with its employees, reps and dealers.

Wood-Mode Fine Custom Cabinetry’s focus is on the following:

  • Ongoing Inspiration
  • Innovation in Products and Business Principles
  • Craftmanship Experience
  • Collaboration & Celebration
  • Sustainability

Sustainability has been part of the Wood-Mode family for decades before “green” became a trend.

The company’s current initiatives include:

  • A new boiler installed in 2022 that has improved operational efficiency by 90% for heating and cooling;
  • The installation of a sixteen-acre solar array located adjacent to the factory that powers 100% of two main buildings;
  • The 2024 installation of an eight-acre rooftop solar array to power over one million square feet of the facility and, combined with the above array, will provide 80% of all electrical needs required factory wide;
  • The addition of high-yield production equipment to minimize waste and optimize the use of raw materials;
  • The use of lumber from local and regional vendors using responsible forestry management practices;
  • Low-waste product development where even sawdust and wood scrap are ground into particles that are then sold to nearby farms for animal bedding;

Wood-Mode has a great respect for the environment, even exceeding standards for energy efficiency by reducing overall emissions, conserving resources, lowering operational costs and maintaining fair product pricing for customers. It is certified by the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (KCMA) for meeting the standards of its stringent Environment Stewardship Program, including compliance with air quality, product resource management, environmental stewardship and community relations.

One of the most interesting and innovative sustainable strategies has been the May 17, 2024 installation of SHEEP! Yes, you read that correctly. The company has recently installed the nascent practice known as “solar grazing” or “agrivoltaics.” Among the sixteen-acre field of solar panels, Wood-Mode welcomed its first guests–a flock of 35 hair sheep to graze the field all summer long.

With the growth of the solar industry (as well as increased roads and buildings) has come the concern that there will not be enough cropland to feed our population. Voila, “solar grazing!” Sheep are uniquely suitable for “solar grazing.” Sheep do not climb or chew solar panels and are small enough to shelter below the panels. Additionally, the flock will eliminate the need to use gas-powered mowing equipment during the growing season. The hope is that the flock will multiply by October.


To learn more about Wood-Mode’s commitment to sustainability as part of its “Five Keys to Success” initiative, please visit: